
> pointless blather <

have you ever been in a conversation with someone and their eyes glaze over and they look a million miles away?
you may be talking about nothing important and wasting that person's precious time. (there is a slight chance they could be stoned as well, in which case change the subject to video games or fast food)

if you're the victim of useless chatter, your indicators will include unfocused eyes wandering and a feeling of your brain being claustrophobic in your own skull.
you must then go into survival mode and find a 'happy place' of numbness.
this can happen to even the most aggressive and impatient people.

not all useless conversation is negative and painfull. i have consistent immature banter that results in much hilarity, but no constructive use whatsoever. this is not the point of this blahg.

i find that the pointless blather that really makes me feel like screaming and biting someone in the face usually follows these two scenarios:

1) associate/acquaintance obligatory acknowledgment:
you are physically near someone you have indifferent feelings for / barely know and there is an awkward twitch of acknowledgment that induces a polite exchange. this includes, but is not limited to; "How was your weekend?", "Hey, long time no see", "Nice purse, is that new for spring?", "Hey man, did you catch the Leafs game last night?".
Bottom Line: you do not care if this person disappears from existence at this very moment so you can get back to a more productive conversation you were having with yourself in your mind. you would actually endorse spontaneous combustion.

2) family/couples/domestic diatribe:
you are in a home / personal life situation where you are familiar with the people around you, and you have been trained how to respond to regurgitated stories and explanations of household items and concerns. popular topics to ramble on about with a forced engagement in the form of a head nod and a 'oh yah?' from you, the victim; comparisons and justifications of children's mental behaviour, couples' barf-worthy nesting stories, household upgrades at a discount price!!!!, double dates that will never happen, people finishing each others' stories about 'exciting' moments in the grocery store or on garbage day.
Bottom Line: this is all shared information that will never improve you as a human being. people feel the need to tell you this stuff in order for them to feel normal. even though they haven't had sex in 2 years.
PS - no one will ever win the cheap award, but they will always be competitive about it


home nudity

...options for home nudity:
you come home from work and immediately you strip off confining socially acceptable garments and ....

a) look for comfy sweats to blob around in
b) get half undressed, get distracted and bum around in partial day clothes

but option c) looks better:
strip down to nude and then can't find a good reason to put anything else on

when option C becomes a daily ritual, you have to start thinking about the logistics of home nudity:
- do you have a leather couch or chairs?
- what is the temperature of your home?
- are there any obvious windows that render you ' the naked neighbour '

after you've taken care of these variables, you are free to graze in the kitchen, scratch in the living room, pee in the bathroom ... all without adjusting garments and picking wedges.
in fact, without fabric confinement, there is a freedom to be more productive. i find that when i'm nude, i can concentrate better on the tasks at hand. i believe this to be the bi-product of nakedness.

sometimes, being naked can cause anxious thrills that promote productivity.
" hey - you're nude! better get your chores done soon, before someone sees you."



Whyy can I not stop looking at this website. Every day there is some stupid animal picture that makes me roar laughing. Cats are mostly useless, so it's good to see they're being 'utilized' like this gargoyle lego tabby.

I used to put a sock on my cats head - Gomer - and he would back up in circles without trying to get it off...and then I'd attach hairclips to his feet and tail. He looked like he was electrocuted. LOL.
It never hurt him, so it IS funny.


DiscO Trax

Disco Mash Up - fab funkadellic mixed tape!


For Granted

It's a shame that for most of us...we don't know what we have until it's gone.
Until something becomes visibly endangered, we take it for granted.
We do this with family, friends, the environment....all variables in life.
Comfort stops progression. In most cases.
I've noticed that people pay the most attention after you've pulled away.
When someone feels neglected, they make more effort to bring back the balance.
I'm wondering why we can't just take life as a daily gift and reward ourselves and others by being enthusiastic and appreciative.
I think this is relevant to the way people interact...the dynamic of how you embrace life can unite or separate.
And it can change from one to the other.
People are naturally enthusiastic and sensitive towards new relationships and environments. After a time, no matter how great the person or place is....there's a mundane quality that is associated.
Watching the decline of enthusiasm is unfortunate. Especially when you're the one going down.